production project session 2



My role as a screenwriter was to write the script.

Intention (SMART Goal):

My intention was to have a beginning middle and end and write for rhythm. ill be able to know if I’ve achieved this when I look at the final script and am able to identify the beginning, middle, end, and rhythm.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Richard Linklater was the writer for Dazed and Confused.

Training Source(s)

Project Timeline

  1. pre production
  2. pick roles
  3. research chosen roles
  4. learn tasks for role
  5. create our goal
  6. talk with team about film
  7. write screenplay
  8. finish pre production
  9. start production
  10. film
  11. finish production
  12. start post-production
  13. create blog post
  14. create slideshow
  15. present
  16. reflect
  17. finish post-production


The FILM Creation


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Our team used problem-solving when we were missing someone or had to cut some scenes due to time constraints. I think I used creativity while creating the script, I took the story and added dialogue even it was eventually cut out.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Our team communicated every day at the stand-up Trello meetings and made sure everyone knew what they were doing,

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

For my role as a screenwriter, I used mostly videos when I wasn’t sure what to do or needed help. In pre-production, I used the videos linked in Schoology to learn how to write a script where I found a link to celtx, where I wrote the script.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

If I don’t end up doing somethingto do with film production, I’ll be able to take what I’ve learned this session about communication into any job or any situation that needs communication.

Reactions to the Final Version

“should try and incorporate more speaking parts” – Hayden

I agree with them, I did originally, but we ended up cutting them due to time.

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

Our film was simple and suprising with the easy to digest plot with a twist ending

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

I learned what the process and format for a script is. I solved issues like time constarints by cutting some things out of the script.

Grammar and Spelling




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